Dec 22, 2017ReviewCapitalism as Religion: How Money Became GodREGINA MUNCH | “Where’s the management section?” a man asked the nearest bookseller...
Nov 10, 2017ReviewPerforming Sacred TragediesRON HAFLIDSON | After he was shot and killed by police in 2014, Michael Brown’s body lay alone on a street for several hours...
Sep 28, 2017ReviewThe Trial of the TalmudSARAH IFFT DECKER | The thirteenth century was a tumultuous time for the Jews of France...
Sep 28, 2017ReviewFear of a Black PlanetCIAHNAN DARRELL | When I was twenty years old, I was attacked by a group of people outside a nightclub...
Sep 14, 2017ReviewFiguring the UnknownCLAY GREENE | In 1959, a British novelist and chemist named Charles Percy Snow delivered a memorable lecture at the University of...
Sep 14, 2017ReviewMarketing Religion in the Roman EmpireSARAH E. ROLLENS | At the Temple Gates takes its title from the location where numerous philosophers and religious specialists gathered...
Sep 7, 2017ReviewWhen Literature was ScienceCLIO DOYLE | Science was everywhere in the seventeenth century, especially in literature...
Sep 1, 2017ReviewHow Christianity Killed the Pagan GodsJONATHON LOOKADOO | Historical facts and obscure trivia provide excellent material for pub quizzes...
Aug 30, 2017ReviewNeo-Latin Seizes its DayA.M. JUSTER | French departments do not lavish attention on the golden era of Moliére and Racine to the exclusion of later French writers...
Aug 28, 2017ReviewDifference and Humanity Among Christians in Indian SlumsLIANA CHUA | Recently, a certain meme made the rounds on my (admittedly anthropologist-heavy) social media feed...
Aug 17, 2017ReviewLandscapes of the SoulMARGARET S. MAUK | Victorian culture—permeated with spiritualists and séances—concerned itself with death on a personal and intimate...