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Meanings of Science in the Modern World
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Philip Ball
4 days ago15 min read
Conversations on the Plurality of World-views: A Response to Peter Harrison’s Some New World
PHILIP BALL | Conflicts can in fact be tremendously fertile, alerting us to areas where more work is needed . . .

Peter Harrison
4 days ago6 min read
Cultural Diversity and Scientific Truth: In Conversation with Philip Ball
PETER HARRISON | Unfortunately, the comforting narratives beloved by scientists fall well short of the standards of historical scholarship.

Philip Ball
Dec 13, 20248 min read
Google's Willow and the Future of Quantum Computing
PHILIP BALL | I’d put money on quantum computing becoming commercially viable and useful way before fusion does...

Erika Lorraine Milam
Dec 6, 202413 min read
What Does it Mean to be Human? A Conversation with Erika Milam, Part 2
ERIKA LORRAINE MILAM | Nobody disagreed on the data. But everybody disagreed on how to interpret the data. . .

Erika Lorraine Milam
Nov 8, 202416 min read
Who Speaks for Science? A Conversation with Erika Lorraine Milam
ERIKA LORRAINE MILAM | There is a long tradition, of course, of writing for lay audiences about science...

Erika Lorraine Milam
Sep 27, 202414 min read
The Jane Goodalls: Women in Science Defying the Odds
ERIKA LORRAINE MILAM | In the last forty years, Jane Goodall has become a saint of modern environmentalism, an unwavering voice calling. . .

Philip Ball & Iain McGilchrist
Jun 4, 202454 min read
Biology, the Brain, and the Meaning of Life with Philip Ball
PHILIP BALL | There’s one thing that distinguishes living matter from nonliving matter, it is this notion of agency.

Philip Ball & Iain McGilchrist
May 10, 20241 min read
Biology, the Brain, and the Meanings of Life: Philip Ball in Conversation with Iain McGilchrist
A profound but quiet transformation in biology is changing the way we think about life.

Nick Spencer
Apr 12, 202416 min read
Defining Science: Language, Method, and Objectives
NICK SPENCER | The British have never felt a particularly pressing need formally to define science. . .Not so America.
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